Customer Testimonials

Lucy, Houston

This year for my anniversary, my daughter gave me DeVita Ritm device and I felt the result literally from the first day. On that day, I had a great stress and depression, seeing my daughter gave me a state anti-stress program (lasts 40 minutes). And all surprisingly I quickly calmed down and plus the mood has risen, as if nothing had happened. It was the first achievement! Previously, to get out of the house I had to drink a handful of pills. After 2 weeks of use, I remembered that I did not drink for all those days none. Energy there are so many that do not know where it has to do with! Good luck and all the best !!!

Mike D., Texas

Sciatica and nerve pain under control I have been suffering from acute sciatica in my right leg for the past year or so. Sometimes the pain has been unbearable. The doctors could not give me a definitive answer on what the condition was (lower back pain? aggravated disk? sciatica?) and most importantly – why it was happening. All they would prescribe to me was pain-killers and a trip to the physio. A friend recommended that I try these new Deta-Elis devices which I subsequently did and I got almost immediate relief from them. I have gone from a pain level of 10 to almost zero in six weeks! Without medication! And furthermore, I am using programmes on the devices to repair the damage that my discs have suffered over the years. I would recommend these devices for back pain and sciatica to anyone!

Kevin, Miami. FL

I use the devices "DeVita Ritm" and "DeVita AP" more than a year is very active. Sore throat, sinusitis, tracheitis were constant companions in my life, even in summer. By purchasing equipment from May 2015 was never sick colds and viral diseases. He was picked up by an individual set to improve health programs for infectious diseases, spinal cord injuries, headaches, arthritis, and arthritis when, in infectious diseases. All programs have given very good results! I am very happy that I use devices. Many thanks. Good luck and prosperity to you !!!

Mary, Baku

I bought the device DeVita Ritm after my sister bought it. She has 4 children (3, 7,15,16 years). From December to April, it is not bought any pack of pills! Children during the winter colds and viruses treated device. She says she is grateful for what he copes with the cold, so as soon as it was a real problem. I bought the device for the treatment of asthma. In the autumn there was a strong complication, but when it bought the unit and in the winter on a background of viral infection asthma started, I began using the devices to manage successfully without pills, and I believe I can handle this problem! Many thanks to the staff of the center for help and advice. Thanks to the developers of these remarkable devices !!!

Piter, London

In April 2015 I was first introduced to devices DeVita, namely DeVita Ritm. Used to improve the general physical condition, increase physical activity and endurance of the body at constant training. Employees of the center of the individual procedure for use was developed. The results exceeded all expectations !!! Physical indicators increased, accelerated recovery, overall physical condition has improved significantly. Constantly getting additional consultations at the center of "DeVita Europe" just received the new programm complex developed individually for me, for which separate many thanks !!!

Leo C., Larnaka

With bio-resonance technology is familiar to more than 10 years. in 2015, I learned about the center "DeVita Europe". Having tested at the center of certain health problems have been identified. Were prepared for devices "DeVita Ritm" and "DeVita AP" software systems for the recovery of organs and systems, such as frequent colds were observed after application of instruments of ARI problems disappeared. There were also frequent headaches problem with the device is achieved within 40 minutes.

Dr Semenko, London

Electromagnetic DeVita device - the perfect choice for those who want to avoid health problems and preserve youth. The unique technology used in the device helps you quickly and without harm to the body to increase immunity, to get rid of headaches, relieve fatigue, improve circulation. Each program is designed to solve a variety of problems, and to achieve the maximum effect, I use software systems that are selected individually for each client.

Anna Belier, Madrid

Good afternoon! My name is Anna, I'm from the city of Madrid. Three years ago, I turned to our experts on the disease, which did not allow me to live a full life, to go to work without pain, not to mention the visit to the theater and walks with friends. I was advised by a specialist watch and buy the device DeVita. As a result, six months later, I almost forgot about their troubles. I work at the gas processing plant in the chemical laboratory, and DeVita Ap device can be very useful to me in handy. With it, I cleanse the body of toxins and maintain healthy organs, which are very sensitive to harmful influences at work. Early in the morning I have to wake up on a bus that brings us to the factory, before it was painful. I recently met with the device DeVita Energy, and it has become my favorite helper in the morning. Now I am cheerful, with a good mood come to work. Arrival in our city cosmetologist Olga Konstantinovna Klimkin was for me and my daughter a gift. We learned how to deal with the problem of acne my daughter how to align the complexion with the help of smart devices and cosmetics Del'Or DeVita Cosmo. All teenagers complexes of rash on the face, back, arms, and we tried to solve the problem of expensive resources, go to cosmetologists, which led to only temporary results. Now we are very happy that we solve this problem at home without spending extra money. Now it is not afraid to go on vacation and instead of huge first-aid kits to take only the device with a set of travel. And DeVita Ritm helps my daughter to take exams, quiet to sleep and in the morning to be cheerful. Thanks to the company DEHolding for our small victories and joy in our lives without the disease. And your friends and acquaintances I do not have to say anything, all the results can be seen on me and my daughter. Many thanks to the creators DeVita devices!

Olga Salikhov, Stockholm

Good day! My name is Olga Salikhov, and I'm from Stockholm. I met DeVita devices in 2009. At that time, I was very worried about my health. I received a positive result from the use of instruments. And after that, I was very interested in working for a company. I have had experience in other companies, but here I had to learn all over again. First, something happened, and what do not. Sometimes I did not have enough skills to work. Once I was afraid that can not do it, and tried to work on other projects. But later I realized that the only business with a company DEHolding was and remains interesting for me. There are constantly being trained to attract partners, doctors advocate that details the operation of the devices. We are taught how to keep up with the times and work in the Internet space. On the part of the company's continued support and assistance is felt. For example, we have a unique tool Flash Kit, which contains all printed materials, presentations and answers to common objections clients. A special "thank you" I want to say for DeRofes - the tool that literally battling the client on the spot. In just 24 minutes we can show the customer how the device helps. With this approach, we are not only healthy, but also to have such a quality of life that can only dream of. I want to express my gratitude to the leadership of the company for what they are doing, what you have done and what we have yet to learn!

Mia Skiromo, New York

Cosmetics Del'Or take a year. During this time, he gained not only enjoy the use of cosmetics, but also excellent results. First of all, significantly reduced wrinkles around the eyes ( "crow's feet"). For me, it used to be a problem №1. No cosmetic procedures (of more or less safe), I could not help, beauticians generally said that the only way out - it's Botox ... Thanks masks Delors I and without Botox look great. Friends who do not see me every day, notice how I am young eyes. In the second place, I have, so to speak, disappeared rosacea on his face. Again thanks to the masks. That's great, now I do not always use creams as no defects on the face. Since I am a person and keep telling the public about health and beauty, always catch on his face, appraising look. Prior to the use of cosmetics Del'Or me is troubled. Now I am sure of their appearance 100%. I know that even the most stringent "experts" looking at my face, clearly mistaken in my age and give much less years than indicated in the passport. This dream of every woman - to look not just good, but great, and even younger! And with cosmetics Del'Or is real, especially one full treatment with the application of masks in just 15 minutes! The dream of every woman - and look great at the same time to save time! The dream of every woman - look great and without harm to your health! All these advantages have in cosmetics Del'Or!

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©2010-2022. Bioresonance wellness portable device DETA,  DeVita Ritm 30, DeVita AP 30, Deta Ritm-30 M5, Deta Ap-30 M5, Deta Elis, Deta Ritm 15 M1, Deta Ap 15 M1, Deta Professional, Deta Pharma, Deta UDT, DeVita Energy, DeVita Cosmo, DeInfo, Therapy 9.

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Manufacture Addresses:

1) Czech Republic, Holzova 1829/41, Lfsen, 628 00 Вrno

2) 41A Kandavas street, Riga, LV-1083, Latvia

This site is owned and operated by LavinaGroup LLC:

1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200
Sheridan, Wyoming 82801
