Customer Testimonials

Mike D., Texas

Sciatica and nerve pain under control I have been suffering from acute sciatica in my right leg for the past year or so. Sometimes the pain has been unbearable. The doctors could not give me a definitive answer on what the condition was (lower back pain? aggravated disk? sciatica?) and most importantly – why it was happening. All they would prescribe to me was pain-killers and a trip to the physio. A friend recommended that I try these new Deta-Elis devices which I subsequently did and I got almost immediate relief from them. I have gone from a pain level of 10 to almost zero in six weeks! Without medication! And furthermore, I am using programmes on the devices to repair the damage that my discs have suffered over the years. I would recommend these devices for back pain and sciatica to anyone!

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©2010-2022. Bioresonance wellness portable device DETA,  DeVita Ritm 30, DeVita AP 30, Deta Ritm-30 M5, Deta Ap-30 M5, Deta Elis, Deta Ritm 15 M1, Deta Ap 15 M1, Deta Professional, Deta Pharma, Deta UDT, DeVita Energy, DeVita Cosmo, DeInfo, Therapy 9.

Our Location

Manufacture Addresses:

1) Czech Republic, Holzova 1829/41, Lfsen, 628 00 Вrno

2) 41A Kandavas street, Riga, LV-1083, Latvia

This site is owned and operated by LavinaGroup LLC:

1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200
Sheridan, Wyoming 82801
