Customer Testimonials

Kevin, Miami. FL

I use the devices "DeVita Ritm" and "DeVita AP" more than a year is very active. Sore throat, sinusitis, tracheitis were constant companions in my life, even in summer. By purchasing equipment from May 2015 was never sick colds and viral diseases. He was picked up by an individual set to improve health programs for infectious diseases, spinal cord injuries, headaches, arthritis, and arthritis when, in infectious diseases. All programs have given very good results! I am very happy that I use devices. Many thanks. Good luck and prosperity to you !!!

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©2010-2022. Bioresonance wellness portable device DETA,  DeVita Ritm 30, DeVita AP 30, Deta Ritm-30 M5, Deta Ap-30 M5, Deta Elis, Deta Ritm 15 M1, Deta Ap 15 M1, Deta Professional, Deta Pharma, Deta UDT, DeVita Energy, DeVita Cosmo, DeInfo, Therapy 9.

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Manufacture Addresses:

1) Czech Republic, Holzova 1829/41, Lfsen, 628 00 Вrno

2) 41A Kandavas street, Riga, LV-1083, Latvia

This site is owned and operated by LavinaGroup LLC:

1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200
Sheridan, Wyoming 82801
