Customer Testimonials

Leo C., Larnaka

With bio-resonance technology is familiar to more than 10 years. in 2015, I learned about the center "DeVita Europe". Having tested at the center of certain health problems have been identified. Were prepared for devices "DeVita Ritm" and "DeVita AP" software systems for the recovery of organs and systems, such as frequent colds were observed after application of instruments of ARI problems disappeared. There were also frequent headaches problem with the device is achieved within 40 minutes.

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©2010-2022. Bioresonance wellness portable device DETA,  DeVita Ritm 30, DeVita AP 30, Deta Ritm-30 M5, Deta Ap-30 M5, Deta Elis, Deta Ritm 15 M1, Deta Ap 15 M1, Deta Professional, Deta Pharma, Deta UDT, DeVita Energy, DeVita Cosmo, DeInfo, Therapy 9.

Our Location

Manufacture Addresses:

1) Czech Republic, Holzova 1829/41, Lfsen, 628 00 Вrno

2) 41A Kandavas street, Riga, LV-1083, Latvia

This site is owned and operated by LavinaGroup LLC:

1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200
Sheridan, Wyoming 82801
